Friday, 13 February 2015


                      Fruit & Nut

What’s baking a cake got to do with catfighting? Not a lot really apart from one thing; and that is that they both need the right ingredients. Everyone knows that you can’t just throw the ingredients together and expect to get a delicious tasting cake. A lot like throwing money and the ladies together really. It’s something that needs care and attention in order to get the sponge to rise the way it should do. When producers such as The Catz Review & Catfighting UK produce a catfight they have to think about how they’re going to get your penis to rise. For if we can produce that one thing, that one tasty morsel, then, we are guaranteed to have a successful catfight that you global fans will want to own and hopefully make me some money out of into the bargain.

                                                           Miss Attitude vs Kat

To be involved in a hard-core Catz Review catfight does not require you to be a Fruit & Nut cake. Although our ladies come in all shapes and sizes, I do think it’s fair to say that most have cream & yes, possibly a few bits of Fruit & Not inside; that delicious combination of ingredients that makes them popular with fans the world over. 

                                                              Hot Rocker vs G - Star

                                                                   Miss Dynamite

Having finished with that analogy of cakes and catfights, I think it’s time we got back to the real business of catfighting. You can have all the right ingredients for the perfect catfight. That does not necessarily mean that when you put them together you will get the perfect catfight that every man (well most men) dreams of. In some cases the fight can turn out completely different to what you, the producer, and the ladies originally intended. For example there is no guarantee that with real rules catfighting that the favourite will win. She could lose, and she could lose in dramatic style which may result in her retirement. But then isn't that the exciting part of purchasing a Catz Review catfight; the not knowing??